An Introduction to Jesus - The Divinity of Jesus: Part 3 of 13

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Preview: This series of lessons is dedicated as an introduction to Jesus. This is the third lesson in a thirteen-part series on this subject.

Pre-reading: Luke 1:5-80, Matthew 17:1-13 & Matthew 21:23-46.

Scripture Reading: Hebrews 1:1-14.

Memory Verse: Psalm 45:6-7.

1. Do we find from the foregoing Scriptures that God the Father gave Divinity and Lordship to Jesus His Son, and made Him the express image of Himself?
2. How did Isaiah declare and Peter affirm that Jesus was Divine? Isaiah 8:13-14 & I Peter 2:6-8.
3. How did Malachi and Isaiah describe the coming of Jesus as Lord? Isaiah 40:3-5 & Malachi 3:1-3.
4. How was this prophecy fulfilled? Matthew 3:1-3 & Matthew 11:7-10.
Note: Not only did the prophets recognize the divinity and mission of Jesus as Lord, but they foretold the mission of John as His forerunner.
5. How did Mark recognize that this prophecy was fulfilled in his day? Mark 1:1-8.
6. What was John’s testimony concerning the Lordship of Jesus? Luke 3:1-7 & Luke 3:15-17.
7. What did God the Father declare concerning Jesus after He was baptized? Luke 3:21-23 & Mark 1:9-11.
Note: God Himself declared Jesus to be Divine, which made Him a Deity, which is defined as God, but He was not God the Father.
8. How was Simeon able to realize that the baby Jesus was the promised Savior? Luke 2:25-35.
9. Who did Anna the Prophetess recognize to be the Redeemer? Luke 2:36-39.
10. How did the devils and unclean spirits acknowledge His Divinity and fear Him? Matthew 8:28-32 & Luke 4:33-35.
Note: How strange and sad that even the spirits knew who Jesus was while members of His own family and the religious leaders of His day did not understand. Today, many Church leaders and members know about Him, but do not know Him.

To Be Continued…

Other Lessons* in this series:

An Intro to Jesus - The Word: Part 1 of 13
An Intro to Jesus - Prophecy Concerning Jesus: Part 2 of 13
An Intro to Jesus - The Divinity of Jesus: Part 3 of 13
An Intro to Jesus - The Godhead: Part 4 of 13
An Intro to Jesus - Oneness with God: Part 5 of 13
An Intro to Jesus - The Power and Authority of Jesus: Part 6 of 13
An Intro to Jesus - Man's Need for a Savior: Part 7 of 13
An Intro to Jesus - The Law Versus Grace: Part 8 of 13
An Intro to Jesus - God's Two Covenants: Part 9 of 13
An Intro to Jesus - Who Do Men Say That I Am: Part 10 of 13
An Intro to Jesus - Who Do Men Say That I Am: Part 11 of 13
An Intro to Jesus - Jesus Taught With Authority: Part 12 of 13
An Intro to Jesus - Lo I Come in the Volume of the Book: Part 13 of 13

*Lessons in a series may not necessarily be in the same category.