An Introduction to Jesus - God's Two Covenants: Part 9 of 13

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Preview: This series of lessons is dedicated as an introduction to Jesus. This is the ninth lesson in a thirteen-part series on this subject. 

Pre-reading: Romans 5:1-11, I Corinthians 15:1-28, Matthew 26:23-56. 

Scripture Reading: Hebrews 9:1-15. 

Memory Verse: Hebrews 9:24. 

1. What difference do we see in the foregoing Scriptures between the Old and the New Covenant? 
2. How did Jeremiah describe this New Covenant over five hundred years before it became effective? Jeremiah 31:31-35. 
3. How did Paul explain the New Covenant? Hebrews 8:6-13. 
4. Who were the High Priests under the Old Covenant? Hebrews 5:1-4, Hebrews 7:5-12. 
Note: The sons of Levi received the office of the priesthood under the Old Covenant. They had to continually offer sacrifices for their sins and the sins of the people. 
5. Who is the High Priest of the New Covenant? Hebrews 4:14-16, Hebrews 5:5-6. 
Note: A covenant is an agreement of a firm promise and Christ Jesus is the High Priest of God’s Covenant. 
6. What was the main difference between the priesthood of the Old and New Testaments? Hebrews 7:19-28, Hebrews 8:1-2. 
Note: The priesthood of the Old Covenant was under the Law of Ordinances (the Mosaic Laws) which God instructed Moses to write. They themselves were subject to sin and death, but Jesus, who knew no sin, is the High Priest of the New Covenant, after the Order of Melchizedek, who had no beginning or end. 
7. What qualifications does our High Priest possess? Hebrews 5:7-9, Hebrews 9:11-15. 
8. Why did He have to die in order for us to receive salvation? Hebrews 9:16-23. 
9. Was there any other way by which man may have attained eternal redemption? Through whom only is this attained? Hebrews 9:24-26, I Peter 1:18-21. 
Note: Even before the foundation of the world was made, Jesus was foreordained to be our Redeemer, through the shedding of His precious Blood. How can we reject such a sacrifice? 

To Be Continued… 

Other Lessons* in this series:

An Intro to Jesus - The Word: Part 1 of 13
An Intro to Jesus - Prophecy Concerning Jesus: Part 2 of 13
An Intro to Jesus - The Divinity of Jesus: Part 3 of 13
An Intro to Jesus - The Godhead: Part 4 of 13
An Intro to Jesus - Oneness with God: Part 5 of 13
An Intro to Jesus - The Power and Authority of Jesus: Part 6 of 13
An Intro to Jesus - Man's Need for a Savior: Part 7 of 13
An Intro to Jesus - The Law Versus Grace: Part 8 of 13
An Intro to Jesus - God's Two Covenants: Part 9 of 13
An Intro to Jesus - Who Do Men Say That I Am: Part 10 of 13
An Intro to Jesus - Who Do Men Say That I Am: Part 11 of 13
An Intro to Jesus - Jesus Taught With Authority: Part 12 of 13
An Intro to Jesus - Lo I Come in the Volume of the Book: Part 13 of 13

*Lessons in a series may not necessarily be in the same category.