A Great Cloud of Witnesses - Part 1 of 13

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Preview: This is the first part of a thirteen-part series of lessons that are meant to show us an example of the Biblical heroes that came before us.

Pre-reading: Romans 10:1-21.

Scripture Reading: Hebrews 12:1-8.

Memory Verse: I Corinthians 11:1.

1. Is it important that we study the lives and follow the example of those who died in faith according to the foregoing Scripture Reading and Memory Verse?
Note: Man has always had role models (their heroes) who they have looked up to and emulated their actions. The Scriptures encourage us to do so, but we must be sure that they were following Christ.
2. Does it encourage us in times of trouble when we study the lives of those who endured hardships? Hebrews 11:32-34 & Hebrews 12:7-10.
3. Does it help us to encourage others when we patiently endure trials? Hebrews 12:11-14.
Note: First of all we benefit from studying the example of those who lived and died in fellowship with God. Then it enables us to point out their example when we are witnessing to others.
4. What kind of example was Esau? Hebrews 12:15-16.
5. Did he pay a bitter price for his action? Hebrews 12:17.
Note: When you study Genesis 27, you see Esau’s spirit of bitterness and unforgiveness toward his brother. The same attitude will also keep us from God’s forgiveness. Let us not follow Esau’s example.
6. How do we know that we must forgive others before God will forgive us? Luke 6:37 & Matthew 6:14-15.
7. How will a spirit of love affect our witness to others? Hebrews 13:1-3 & Hebrews 13:15-16.
8. What did James say about our trials? James 1:2-4.
9. Can we serve God halfheartedly? James 1:5-8.
Note: James reminds us that trouble will come to all of us, but if we are wholeheartedly serving God we can rejoice in tribulations because trouble will produce patience in us. Christ is our example; let us keep our minds settled on Him.
10. How did Jesus address those who were double minded (hypocrites)? Matthew 23:23-33.
Note: Let us not be guilty of straining at a gnat and swallowing a camel. This happens when we begin to pick and choose what looks right or wrong to us. We cannot make our own Gospel, but we must wholeheartedly follow the Word of God as He reveals it to us.

To Be Continued…

Other Lessons* in this series:

A Great Cloud of Witnesses: Part 1 of 13
A Great Cloud of Witnesses - Abel Enoch Noah: Part 2 of 13
A Great Cloud of Witnesses - Abraham: Part 3 of 13
A Great Cloud of Witnesses - Isaac: Part 4 of 13
A Great Cloud of Witnesses - Jacob: Part 5 of 13
A Great Cloud of Witnesses - Joseph: Part 6 of 13
A Great Cloud of Witnesses - Moses: Part 7 of 13
A Great Cloud of Witnesses - Joshua and Caleb: Part 8 of 13
A Great Cloud of Witnesses - Rahab: Part 9 of 13
A Great Cloud of Witnesses - Deborah and Barak: Part 10 of 13
A Great Cloud of Witnesses - Gideon: Part 11 of 13
A Great Cloud of Witnesses - Jephthah: Part 12 of 13
A Great Cloud of Witnesses - Our Place: Part 13 of 13

*Lessons in a series may not necessarily be in the same category.