A Great Cloud of Witnesses - Rahab: Part 9 of 13

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Preview: Faith heroes. This is the ninth lesson in a thirteen-part series of lessons on this subject.

Scripture Reading: Joshua 2:1-9.

Memory Verse: Hebrews 11:31.

1. Discuss how Rahab proved her faith in Israel’s God according to the foregoing Scriptures.
2. Why did all of the people of Jericho fear the God of Israel? Joshua 2:10-11.
Note: All of Jericho feared the Israelites because they knew the power of their God. How He had delivered the Hebrew children from Egypt’s slavery and parted the waters of the Red Sea so that they came over on dry land, then destroyed Egypt’s army in the Sea. All of this had happened forty years earlier; but they remembered and were afraid, even though many of God’s chosen people had forgotten how mighty He was. Do we see much of this same spirit in the Church versus the world today?
3. What covenant did Rahab make with the two spies? Joshua 2:12-14.
4. How did she deliver them? Joshua 2:15-16.
5. What did Rahab have to do in order to make the agreement work? Joshua 2:17-22.
Note: In order for any commitment to work, both parties must be faithful to the agreement. If Rahab had not believed in the faithfulness and power of Israel’s God and His two servants, she probably would never have put the scarlet cord in her window, and she and her family would have perished. Today, this same God has promised us eternal life, if we will only trust and obey His Word. If we are lost it will be due to our own unbelief.
6. What report did the spies take back to Joshua? Joshua 2:23-24.
7. How does our faith and obedience to God affect the attitude of the unbelievers? Joshua 3:1, Joshua 3:7-11, Joshua 3:13-17, Joshua 5:1.
Note: This could never have happened if Joshua had not believed that God was able to part the water. He also had to act on his faith. As a result, the heathen nations feared the power of God.
8. How did Israel defeat Jericho? Joshua 6:1-5, Joshua 6:20-21.
9. Who alone was saved in Jericho? Joshua 6:22-24.
10. How did James refer to Rahab? James 2:25-26.
Note: All of Jericho believed and feared the power of Jehovah God, but only Rahab (who was a woman of ill repute) trusted in His mercy and grace to save her and her loved ones. In spite of her past, He did.
11. Was Rahab an ancestor of Jesus Christ? Joshua 6:25, Matthew 1:5. (See also the Amplified Bible version of Matthew 1:5 which reads: “Salmon the father of Boaz, whose mother was Rahab, Boaz the father of Obed, whose mother was Ruth, Obed the father of Jesse.”)
Note: Rachab (or Rahab) was the wife of Salmon and the mother of Boaz, who was the great grandfather of King David, ancestor of Jesus. If we confess our sins, He is just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. I John 1:9, then we also will be in God’s hall of faith.

To Be Continued…

Other Lessons* in this series:

A Great Cloud of Witnesses: Part 1 of 13
A Great Cloud of Witnesses - Abel Enoch Noah: Part 2 of 13
A Great Cloud of Witnesses - Abraham: Part 3 of 13
A Great Cloud of Witnesses - Isaac: Part 4 of 13
A Great Cloud of Witnesses - Jacob: Part 5 of 13
A Great Cloud of Witnesses - Joseph: Part 6 of 13
A Great Cloud of Witnesses - Moses: Part 7 of 13
A Great Cloud of Witnesses - Joshua and Caleb: Part 8 of 13
A Great Cloud of Witnesses - Rahab: Part 9 of 13
A Great Cloud of Witnesses - Deborah and Barak: Part 10 of 13
A Great Cloud of Witnesses - Gideon: Part 11 of 13
A Great Cloud of Witnesses - Jephthah: Part 12 of 13
A Great Cloud of Witnesses - Our Place: Part 13 of 13

*Lessons in a series may not necessarily be in the same category.