The Books Will Be Opened: Part 1 of 2

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Preview: This lesson will explore what will happen during Judgment Day. This is the first part of a two-part lesson on this subject.

Scripture Reading: Acts 17:27-34.

Memory Verse: Revelation 20:12.

1. Do we have any assurance that there will be a Judgment Day? Acts 17:30-31.
2. Did Paul make mention of a Judgment Day? II Timothy 4:1.
3. What happened to Felix while Paul talked about the Judgment? Acts 24:25.
4. How many must face the Judgment? Ecclesiastes 3:17 & II Corinthians 5:10.
5. Why did the preacher exhort people to fear God and keep His Commandments? Ecclesiastes 12:14.
Note: Ill feelings are often created against the individual who persuades people to live by the standard of God. Nevertheless that individual must not keep silent. He or she must continue to warn people to prepare for the Judgment where all must give account for the things they have done.
6. What view of the Judgment did Daniel have? Daniel 7:9-10.
7. What record will we be judged by? Revelation 20:12.
8. For whom has a book of remembrance been made? Malachi 3:16.
Note: Our lives become written books for the Lord. These books will be opened in the Day of Judgment to justify or condemn us.

To Be Continued…

Other Lessons* in this series:

The Books will Be Opened: Part 1 of 2
The Books will Be Opened: Part 2 of 2

*Lessons in a series may not necessarily be in the same category.