Our Jewish Roots - The Lion of Judah: Part 11 of 13

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Preview: A history of God’s chosen. This is the eleventh lesson in a thirteen-part series of lessons on this subject.

Scripture Reading: Ruth 4:1-22.

Memory Verse: Romans 1:3.

1. Do we find in the foregoing Scriptures that David came through the House of Jesse, who came through the lineage of Judah, who was one of Jacob’s sons?
2. What did Jacob prophecy concerning his son Judah when he was blessing his children? Genesis 49:1-2 & Genesis 49:8-16.
3. Did John the Revelator recognize Jesus as the Lion of Judah, the Savior of man? Revelation 5:5-6 & Revelation 5:13-14.
4. Did Jesus come through the lineage of David? Luke 1:26-30 & John 7:42.
Note: When Jacob blessed His son Judah, he foretold the coming of Jesus through him. We can only guess at how much he understood of his prophecy and how it would be fulfilled.
5. Did Isaiah also prophecy that Jesus would come through the lineage of Jesse? Isaiah 11:1-5 & Isaiah 11:10.
6. Did Paul understand that Isaiah’s prophecy promised that Jesus would bring salvation to the Gentiles as well as to the Jews? Romans 15:10-16.
7. How did Paul explain the priesthood of Jesus, who was not of the lineage of Levi the Priest? Hebrews 7:11-17.
Note: The Levitical Priesthood was by the Law of God given through Moses. It was of human origin, by men who themselves had no power to live above sin. Also, they died and had to be replaced.
8. What was different about the Priesthood of Jesus? Hebrews 7:22-28 & Hebrews 9:6-16.
Note: Because Jesus came through the tribe of Judah He was a Jew; therefore, as an everlasting spiritual Priest, our salvation is made secure in Him.
9. Who is a Jew today? Romans 2:28-29 & Romans 9:6-8 & Romans 9:15.
10. Are all nations lost and without hope of salvation without a spiritual birth? Romans 3:1-5, Romans 3:9-10, Romans 3:29-31, Romans 8:1-9 & Romans 8:14.
Note: Salvation is a spiritual experience. Many of God’s ways remain a mystery to man, but we are to accept His decisions through faith.

To Be Continued…

Other Lessons* in this series:

Our Jewish Roots - What is in a Name: Part 1 of 13
Our Jewish Roots - God Delivers His People from Bondage: Part 2 of 13
Our Jewish Roots - God's Firstborn Nation: Part 3 of 13
Our Jewish Roots - A Constitution is Given to God's New Nation: Part 4 of 13
Our Jewish Roots - A Constitution is Given to God's New Nation: Part 5 of 13
Our Jewish Roots - A Constitution is Given to God's New Nation: Part 6 of 13
Our Jewish Roots - Did Israel Love God or the Land: Part 7 of 13
Our Jewish Roots - Did Israel Love God or the Land: Part 8 of 13
Our Jewish Roots - God Knows the Heart of Man: Part 9 of 13
Our Jewish Roots - Entering the Promised Land: Part 10 of 13
Our Jewish Roots - The Lion of Judah: Part 11 of 13
Our Jewish Roots - A Light to the Gentiles: Part 12 of 13
Our Jewish Roots - The Mystery of God is Revealed: Part 13 of 13

*Lessons in a series may not necessarily be in the same category.