Afflictions: Part 2 of 2

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Preview: This is the second part of a two-part lesson about affliction in a Christian’s life.

Scripture Reading: Isaiah 53:1-12.

Memory Verse: II Timothy 2:12.

1. Do we find from the foregoing Scripture Reading and Memory Verse that the reward is greater for those who endure unjust sufferings and afflictions for righteousness’ sake? Discuss.
2. Why will Jesus welcome some into His Kingdom? Matthew 25:34-40.
Note: The saints of God do these things without realizing it because they have acquired the nature of Christ.
3. What was Paul’s instruction to Timothy concerning the care of the elderly widows? I Timothy 5:3-10.
Note: If an elderly widow meets God’s requirements, and has no family to care for her, then the Church has a responsibility to see to her welfare.
4. What is the first requirement for those who are afflicted? James 5:13-16.
5. Who are afflicted? Job 5:6-7, Job 14:1-2.
Note: When Adam and Eve disobeyed God their sin brought trouble and death to all mankind. That is why we need Jesus Christ our Savior.
6. What was Job’s and his friends’ attitude toward God in the midst of Job’s afflictions? Job 1:22, Job 5:17-18.
7. Who did Job think his salvation must come from? Job 13:15-16.
Note: Job knew that God was his salvation, but he relied on his own goodness and good works. Afflictions are always trials or chastisements. In either case, the trying of our faith is more precious than gold. Our prayer should be, “Thy will be done.”
8. Did Job finally charge God foolishly in the midst of his suffering? Why or why not? Job 32:1-3, Job 34:35-37.
Note: God knew that Job did not understand that his goodness and righteousness came from above. That is why He permitted Satan to test him.
9. What was the result? Job 40:1-8, Job 42:1-6.
10. What did God do when Job humbled himself? Job 42:10.
Note: We are under the same requirement and promises. 

Other Lessons* in this series:

Afflictions: Part 1 of 2
Afflictions: Part 2 of 2

*Lessons in a series may not necessarily be in the same category.