Conversion II

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Preview: Voluntarily coming to the will of God is required for our salvation.

Pre-reading: Romans 5:1-21.

Scripture Reading: Romans 8:1-18.

Memory Verse: Matthew 18:3.

1. What must transpire in our lives before we can be heirs of God’s Kingdom according to the foregoing Scriptures?
2. Why is conversion expedient to our salvation? Acts 3:19 & Matthew 18:1-3.
Note: Theologically, conversion is that spiritual and moral change that takes place when a sinner turns from his life of sin and accepts the righteousness of Christ.
3. How did David address this subject? Psalm 51:1-2 & Psalm 51:12-13.
Note: David promised God that once he got his own salvation worked out, he would in turn teach sinners the way of the Lord that they also might be converted.
4. Did God teach conversion approximately 590 years before the death of Christ? Ezekiel 18:30-31.
5. Has this message always applied to all mankind throughout all ages? Titus 2:11-12.
6. How did Isaiah teach conversion for Israel and other nations? Isaiah 55:5-7.
7. What part does the Law of God play in our conversion? Psalm 19:7-8.
8. How does the Law help to accomplish conversion? Romans 3:20 & Romans 7:7.
Note: If there was no law, there would be no sin. If there was no sin there would be no need for conversion.
9. Will the converted mind still practice sin? Romans 6:1-2 & Romans 8:1-9.
10. Why is it necessary to observe all of God’s Laws? James 2:10-11.
Note: As surely as the carnal (sinful) mind cannot obey the Laws of God, the converted mind cannot ignore them; we cannot pick and choose which Commandment that we will honor and which we will disobey. The converted mind will desire to be obedient in all things. Such are the heirs of His Kingdom. Read Romans 8:17 and Galatians 3:29.

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Conversion II

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