Old Age: Part 2 of 2

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Preview: A lesson on the importance of not straying from the path of God regardless of age. This is the second part of a two-part lesson on this subject.

Scripture Reading: Ecclesiastes 12:1-7.

Memory Verse: Ecclesiastes 11:8.

1. Discuss the picture of aging as described in the foregoing Scriptures.
Note: Solomon is saying to the youth to remember to serve God while they are young, strong, and enthusiastic about life. The day will come when their eyesight is dim, limbs weak and trembling, body stooped with age, and teeth become few. Even those who enjoy a good life will experience the traumas that come with old age.
2. How did the Psalmist describe old age? Psalm 90:10 & Psalm 90:12.
3. How did King David’s friend Barzillai describe his aging condition? II Samuel 19:32-37.
4. How did Jesus describe old age? John 21:18.
Note: It is vital that we accept God while we are still able to be of service to Him.
5. What instructions did Paul give to spiritually mature men and women? Titus 2:1-6 & Hebrews 5:13-14.
Note: If we are in Christ we will gain wisdom. This enables us to instruct those who have not had experiences that come with age. Godly wisdom does not come from age but from obedience to God.
6. What must our attitude be toward our parents? Exodus 20:12 & Proverbs 23:22.
7. What honor and respect should we show to the aging righteous? Leviticus 19:32, Proverbs 16:31 & Proverbs 20:29.
8. What description do we have of Moses and Caleb in their old age? Deuteronomy 34:7 & Joshua 14:7-11.
9. How did the Psalmist describe the aging righteous? Psalm 92:12-14.
10. What was David’s prayer for his own life? Psalm 71:5-9.
Note: There is a place of honor in the life of all men and women, regardless of their age, if their ways are pleasing to the Almighty.

Other Lessons* in this series:

Old Age: Part 1 of 2
Old Age: Part 2 of 2

*Lessons in a series may not necessarily be in the same category.