Patience III

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Preview: Merriam-Webster defines patience as: bearing pains or trials calmly or without complaint; manifesting forbearance under provocation or strain; not hasty or impetuous. Patience is a virtue that God expects us to possess and practice daily.

Scripture Reading: Job 1:1-22.

Memory Verse: Luke 21:19.

1. How are we advised to run the Christian race? Hebrews 12:1-2.
2. How is God described? Romans 15:5.
3. Why is it important to develop patience? Luke 21:19.
4. What are God’s children to follow after? I Timothy 6:11.
5. With whom should we be patient? I Thessalonians 5:14.
6. Why should we glory in tribulation? Romans 5:3-4.
7. What advice did James have for us? James 5:7-8.
8. What helps us to develop patience? Romans 8:24-25.
9. Who are our examples of patience? James 5:10-11.
10. Of whom should we be followers? Hebrews 6:12-15.
11. Which is better, a patient spirit or a proud spirit? Ecclesiastes 7:8.
Note: Many times we fail and bring hurt upon ourselves, because we are not patient and we fail to wait on God for what we should do or say. Let us not give up though the trials seem hard and it appears that prayers are not being answered. God is an all wise God and if we wait on Him, He will always answer at the right time. His promises are sure, but we must learn to develop patience and wait on Him. 

Other Lessons* in this series:

Patience II
Patience III

*Lessons in a series may not necessarily be in the same category.