God Answers Sincere Prayer: Part 2 of 2

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Preview: This is a continuation of a previous lesson of the same name.


Scripture Reading: Isaiah 38:1-8.

Memory Verse: II Chronicles 7:14.

1. Upon what condition will we receive an answer when we pray? Mark 11:24.
2. What happens to our prayers if we have no faith when we pray? James 1:6-7.
3. What prayer may we expect God to hear? I John 5:14-15.
4. In what way did God answer the prayer of Daniel and his fellows when they asked Him to reveal unto them the king’s dream? Daniel 2:19-20.
Note: God’s will is expressed in His Word, laws, and statutes. We should ask God for things that comply with His Word, and we should include in such prayers, “Not my will, but thine be done.”
5. What did the Church do when Peter was about to be executed? Acts 12:5.
6. Were their prayers answered? How? Acts 12:7-10.
7. What did God give Solomon because he asked for wisdom rather than riches or long life? I Kings 3:11-13.
Note: We should pray for our daily bread, for the Holy Spirit, for deliverance in the hour of temptation, for wisdom and understanding, for the prosperity of those who carry the Gospel, for those who suffer for the sake of truth, for our enemies, for all saints, for the coming of Christ, and for temporal prosperity as it pleases God.

Other Lessons* in this series:

God Answers Sincere Prayer: Part 1 of 2
God Answers Sincere Prayer: Part 2 of 2

*Lessons in a series may not necessarily be in the same category.