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Preview: Prayer is a very powerful tool that Christians may use to communicate our thanksgiving and our needs to the Lord. 

Scripture Reading: Matthew 6:9-13. 

Memory Verse: I Thessalonians 5:17. 

1. How did Abraham pray for Sodom to be spared? Genesis 18:31-33. 
2. Did Abraham pray? What did God do for Abimelech? Genesis 20:17. 
3. What did Asa do for help against superior forces? II Chronicles 14:11. 
4. How did Daniel pray for the captive Jews? Daniel 9:3, Daniel 9:19. 
5. How did David pray for continued favor? II Samuel 7:25-29. 
6. What were the works Elijah performed as he prayed for the widow’s son to be raised from the dead? I Kings 17:20-21. 
7. What did the Lord do when He heard his prayer? I Kings 17:22. 
8. How did the raising of the son affect this widow? I Kings 17:23-24. 
Note: God heard and answered many of the prayers of the prophets, not just so their names might be known, but so His name might be glorified among the people. 
9. Did Elisha pray for a son to be raised to life? How was his prayer answered? II Kings 4:32-36. 
10. Did Ezra pray for the sins of Israel? What were the results? Ezra 10:1-4. 
11. Why did Habakkuk pray for a revival of God’s work? Habakkuk 1:2, Habakkuk 3:1-3. 
12. What is one thing they did at Jerusalem while the disciples were tarrying in the upper room? Acts 1:14. 
13. What did the disciples do when choosing the one to take the place of Judas? Acts 1:24. 
14. What did they do and what happened after Peter and John were released from prison? Acts 4:31. 
15. What formula did Jesus give for such miracles after He had healed a lunatic? Matthew 17:21. 
16. What did the Apostle James say about the prayer of a righteous man? James 5:16. 
17. Should we have faith in order to see results when we pray? What are some of the results? James 5:15. 
18. How did Jesus set the example of fervent prayer? Matthew 26:39. 
19. How did Jesus teach us how we should pray? Matthew 6:9-13. 

Other Lessons* in this series:

Prayer II

*Lessons in a series may not necessarily be in the same category.