Preparing for Future Events

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Preview: God’s children must be prepared for what is coming in the times of the end. Many signs will be apparent to those who know what to look for. 

Scripture Reading: Daniel 12:1-10. 

Memory Verse: Luke 21:36. 

1. What special promise did the Lord give in preparing His people for carrying the Gospel message to the world? Joel 2:23, Joel 2:28 & Joel 2:31. 
2. What is necessary in order for us by nature to be faithful in the service of God? Acts 1:8 (first part). 
3. To what extent are we ambassadors for God, and what is the extent of our territory? Acts 1:8 (last part). 
Note: From all believers the glorious light of this Gospel message is to go forth in a clear and distinct ray. Every one upon whom the light of present truth shines must be a messenger for the Lord and be about his Father’s business. At this time when the end of all things is at hand, shouldn’t the zeal of the Church exceed even that of the early Church? 
4. What special outpouring of the Holy Spirit was received in fulfillment of these promises? Acts 2:1-8. 
5. What is said of those that are lost at judgment in relation to their attitude toward the work and service of God? Matthew 25:30. 
6. What condition will be in the financial world just before the coming of the Lord? James 5:1-3. 
7. For what does the husbandman wait? James 5:7. 
8. Living as we are in the last days when great responsibilities rest on God’s chosen people, what voice do they hear? Acts 16:9. 
Note: They hear the cry to come over and help us, and if we are God’s chosen people, we will do everything we can to go to their aid. 
9. What vision of Jesus is also brought constantly to our minds? John 5:35. 
10. What call is directed to God’s people in all modern Churches in the last days? Revelation 18:4. 
11. Who only will understand? Daniel 12:10. 
12. How will God’s people be preparing to meet the Lord during the time of the proclamation of the last message, and the period when the called-out ones are being tried? Revelation 19:7-9. 
Note: Those that bear the name of Christ are to represent Him in thought, word, and deed. We are given a work to do: carrying the last message of truth to the lost and dying world. This message is the most solemn truth ever entrusted to mortals. We are to be consecrated channels through which the Heavenly light is to flow to others. 
13. Will the Lord make a short work on the earth? What does this mean? Romans 9:28. 
14. Will the work be accomplished by human effort entirely or must we, through prayer, depend upon the power of God by His Holy Spirit? Zechariah 4:6. 
Note: We have a right to expect a great work to be wrought in all parts of the world for “Many shall be purified and made white”. If we do not possess the Holy Spirit, it will be found that human effort will be entirely too weak to stand the period of trial just before the Lord comes to deliver.