Christian Liberty

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Preview: Christian liberty is defined and our duty to God is made clear throughout the Bible. 

Scripture Reading: Galatians 5:1-16. 

Memory Verse: Galatians 5:13. 

1. What is the purpose of Christian liberty? Galatians 5:13. 
2. How may we enjoy Christian liberty? Galatians 5:1. 
3. What happened to the Galatian Church? Galatians 3:1. 
4. How did Paul address them? Galatians 3:3-4. 
Note: Christian liberty has been confused with selfishness. Many believe that when they are saved, they can do as they please, and live to themselves, because Christ made them free. They know not that Christ freed them from sin, and in return they are to obey God and keep His Commandments. They become servants one of another. Galatians 5:13. We have been bought with the blood of Christ. Our own bodies are not ours, but Christ’s. We are our brother’s keeper, and if we can’t love the brethren, we can’t be a child of God. Christ did not free us from sin to serve our own selves. 
5. Who has redeemed us from sin? Galatians 3:13. 
6. How many classes are there in Christ? Galatians 3:28. 
7. How did you become a member of the Church of God? I Corinthians 12:18. 
8. Whom did Christ commission to preach the Word and baptize believers? Matthew 28:16-20. 
Note: Christ has placed you in the Body as it has pleased Him. As He placed your limbs in your physical body, so He has placed you in the spiritual Body. Your life and service should be for Him only, and not for yourself. If you have been baptized in the watery grave, and you are satisfied with the servant of Christ; you are indebted to Him to obey Him in the Word. Therefore, we cannot live a selfish life. The above destroys all theories of selfishness and an independent Christian life. In fact, there is no independent Christian. When we accept Christ, it is a life contract. We are not only to serve Christ but His ministers as well. We will give them double honor and obey them in the Word; but compromising spirit has crept into the Churches, and our government, which leads to rebellion, strife and division. 
9. How did Christ practice religious liberty? Luke 4:18. 
10. What rule of conduct has Christ laid down in the Church? Matthew 7:12. 
Note: Selfishness must be uprooted in their hearts before they can recognize the equal rights of their fellow men. Where the Spirit of God is there is liberty. 
11. How only can you enjoy Christian liberty? II Corinthians 3:17. 
12. Who only can give men Christian freedom? John 8:36. 
13. How only are we to worship the Lord? John 4:23-24. 
14. When you are sick who are you to call? Does it make any difference? James 5:14-15. 
15. Can you be saved without hearing a preacher? Romans 10:13-15. 
Note: These facts and truths before us destroy all selfishness and freedom of Church responsibilities: but rather we are our brother’s keeper and if we love God, we will love the brethren. 
16. Who should we pray for? James 5:16. 
Note: When Church members will come back to the Bible standard of obedience and respecting the pastor of Christ; the blessings of God will come down from Heaven and all gossip will die out as the Devil will have no chance to dwell in the members. 
17. Should Church members allow ministers of other Churches to bring in confusion? II John 10-11. 
18. What did Paul warn about other messengers with different messages speaking in the Church? Galatians 1:8-9.