Second Birth Evidence

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Preview: The Bible offers evidence of what righteousness means in God’s people.

Scripture Reading: I John 3:1-10.

Memory Verse: I John 3:9.

1. What is the visible evidence of the second birth? I John 3:9.
2. Can righteousness be hidden? Matthew 5:15-16.
Note: Righteousness without sin is like an electric bulb that shines in a dark room which cannot be hidden.
3. Wherein do the righteous differ from sinners? I John 3:10.
4. What must a sinner experience to become righteous? I John 3:14.
5. What other tangible evidence does a righteous man possess? I John 4:7.
6. In what class is he that hates his brother? I John 4:20.
7. What is the visible sign that we are the children of God? I John 5:2.
8. Is it God’s love that we keep His Commandments? I John 5:3.
Note: Love is something real. Love is powerful and cannot be covered, and real love comes from Christ. Hate comes from the Devil.
9. What are those that are born again but don’t keep God’s Commandments called? I John 2:4.
10. How will godly love affect the love of God? Romans 13:8.
Note: The Commandments of God cannot be kept or fulfilled without the love of Christ. The love of Christ is powerful, and it will cause us to love our brethren and love God with all our hearts. This is a mystery to sinners. Grace cannot be separated from the law.
11. Why can’t a carnal mind (a sinner) keep the Commandments of God? Romans 8:7.
Note: The evidence of the second birth and the salvation by grace is: He will not sin; he will keep the Commandments of God by having Christ dwell in him.