The Sin of Israel

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Preview: The actions of God’s people prevented them from seeing the immediate fulfillment of God’s promises. 

Scripture Reading: Numbers 25:1-9. 

Memory Verse: Numbers 25:9. 

1. What did the children of Israel do to disobey their leader, Moses? Numbers 25:1. 
2. What other gods did the children of Israel worship? Numbers 25:2. 
3. How did it affect the Lord Jesus that followed them? Numbers 25:3. 
4. How did the Lord instruct Moses to deal with those sinners? Numbers 25:4. 
5. How many of those who joined Baalpeor were killed? Numbers 25:5. 
Note: Strange as it was those people could not serve the Lord even as He fed and clothed them. A pillar of cloud by day, and a pillar of fire by night was leading them to the Promised Land, and still they refused to obey the Lord. They joined themselves to strange gods and provoked the Lord to anger. They could see nothing wrong with themselves, but blamed Moses, their leader, for all their troubles. Most all grumblers and complainers do so to justify themselves, but they were determined to overthrow and defeat Moses. They knew not that Christ was in their midst and was directing Moses. 
6. How did some come to Moses before the execution? Numbers 25:6. 
7. What did Phinehas, the Priest, do when he saw what had to be done? Numbers 25:7. 
8. What did he do to the man of Israel to withstand the death plague? Numbers 25:8. 
9. How many died from the death plague? Numbers 25:9. 
10. How did the Lord approve of Phinehas? Numbers 25:11. 
11. How did the Lord further praise Phinehas? Numbers 25:12-13. 
12. How did the Lord further speak to and direct Moses? Numbers 25:16-18. 
13. How did the earth help to destroy some of them? Numbers 26:10. 
14. How many of the children of Israel, including all the tribes, entered the Promised Land? Numbers 26:65. 
Note: What a sad report, thousands upon thousands perished in the wilderness. They refused to reform and obey their leader, and Christ was in their midst following them every day. The Lord wanted them to be a righteous and pure people; therefore, He could not tolerate them falling away to other gods. We too are called His true followers. If we fail, we too will go down, as this was written for our example and learning. Have no part in criticizing your pastor.