The Promise of Power

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Preview: Many gifts are given to God’s children through the Holy Spirit.

Scripture Reading: Joel 2:23-32.

Memory Verse: Acts 2:2.

1. Did Joel prophecy of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the last days? Joel 2:28-29.
2. When was this literally fulfilled? Acts 2:1-4.
Note: The meaning of Pentecost is fiftieth; it occurred fifty days after the Passover, and was the second of the three yearly feasts held by the Jews. It commemorated the giving of the law on Sinai. On this day, likewise, the Holy Spirit came, thus the promise of Jesus was fulfilled as he said: “I will send you another Comforter.” Thus when Jesus was here, He was God in person, so in the day of Pentecost the Spirit was God in action.
3. In what way did David prophecy of the gift and power of the Holy Spirit? Psalm 68:17-18.
4. Did Ezekiel speak of this promised power of the Holy Spirit? Ezekiel 36:25-27.
5. What did John the Baptist say of Jesus when announcing His mission? Matthew 3:11.
6. What transpired at the baptism of Jesus? Matthew 3:16.
7. What took place on the day of Pentecost when the Spirit came upon the disciples? Acts 2:3-4.
8. In what language did they speak? Known or unknown? Acts 2:8-11.
Note: The tongues in which they spoke on the day of Pentecost were all known tongues according to the Scripture. How different it was from our present day tongue movement where they do not know what they are saying and no one can interpret what they are saying.
9. Will God give of His Spirit to backsliders and to those who willfully break His Commandments? Proverbs 1:23-29.
10. How would it be given during the dispensation of the Holy Spirit? Isaiah 44:3-4.
11. How long will this promise stand? Isaiah 59:21 & Acts 2:39.
12. Did Isaiah speak of Jesus receiving this promised power? Isaiah 61:1.
13. What was Mary told by the angel when he visited her? Luke 1:35.
14. In what way did Jesus comfort His disciples before leaving them? Luke 24:49.