The Mystery of God

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Preview: God’s children have been commissioned to preach His Holy Word to all the world in order to reveal His mysteries to those who are ready to receive Him in faith.

Scripture Reading: Romans 10:1-21.

Memory Verse: Romans 11:25.

1. To whom do the revealed things belong? Deuteronomy 29:29.
2. Will God’s children understand the mystery of God? Proverbs 8:8-10.
3. Will the secret things of God be revealed and to whom? Amos 3:7.
Note: The things that are revealed belong to us, and our children, but the secret things of God, He will reveal to His ministering servants. Surely the members should respect a minister of God and look to him for spiritual food and enlightenment.
4. Can anyone truly call upon Jesus Whom they have not believed? Romans 10:14.
5. How only may a minister preach the Gospel of peace? Romans 10:15.
6. How may we receive the mysterious faith? Romans 10:17.
7. Did Paul understand that the mystery of God had been kept secret since the world began? Romans 16:25.
8. Did Jesus utter things which had been kept secret? Matthew 13:35.
9. How only is the mystery revealed and through what source? Romans 16:26.
10. How was Paul made a minister and what would enable him to make men see the mystery of God? Ephesians 3:7-9.
11. What was the last command of Jesus and to whom? Matthew 28:19-20.
Note: If God intended for men and women to get the mystery of God without ministers, why did Jesus command His ministers to go into all the world and preach the Gospel? Jesus never intended for us to become independent. His system is to cooperate into a brotherhood order, to the glory of God.
12. To whom did Christ give the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven? Matthew 16:18-20.
13. How can the natural man receive the mystery? I Corinthians 2:14.
14. Did the disciples understand the mystery of God? Matthew 13:10-11.
15. When God’s people become united, see and speak the same things, of what body will they become members? I Corinthians 12:27.
16. Why is it necessary for God’s people to become one and agree in the Spirit of God? John 17:20-21.
17. When will the mystery of God be finished? Revelation 10:7.