God's Promises: Part 1 of 2

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Preview: A review of the promises God has made to His children in return for their obedience to Him. This is the first part of a two-part lesson on this subject. 

Scripture Reading: Malachi 3:6-18. 

Memory Verse: Galatians 3:16. 

1. What promise did the Lord make to all those who pay their tithes and offerings? Malachi 3:10-12. 
2. What promise did He make to those that refused to pay their tithes and offerings? Malachi 3:8-9. 
3. What is promised to those that will keep the Commandments of God? Revelation 22:14. 
4. What promise did God make for those that will add to the Book of Revelation? Revelation 22:18. 
5. To whom did Jesus promise this earth? Matthew 5:5. 
6. How long were the saints promised to live with Jesus? Revelation 20:4. 
7. What is promised to those that believe in Jesus? John 3:16. 
8. What did Jesus promise the truth would do for His children? John 8:31-32. 
9. What is promised to those that Satan cast into prison if they remain faithful? Revelation 2:10. 
10. What did God promise to the saints at the end? Revelation 21:4. 
11. Where is the tabernacle of God promised to be? Revelation 21:3. 
12. Where will the wicked be? Revelation 21:8. 
Note: Are you standing on the promises of the righteous? God has made promises to both the wicked and righteous; both will have their reward. One is the lake of fire; the other is eternal life with Jesus. We benefit in this life if we serve Jesus and stand upon His promises. He said He would open the windows of Heaven for all those that would pay their tithes and offerings (Malachi 3:10). Let us stand on the promises of God. 
13. Is the Lord slack concerning His promises? Why not? II Peter 3:9. 
Note: The promises of God are sure. Amen. 

To Be Continued… 

Other Lessons* in this series:

God's Promises: Part 1 of 2
God's Promises: Part 2 of 2

*Lessons in a series may not necessarily be in the same category.