Promises About Worry and Anxiety

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Preview: Worry and anxiety imply a lack of faith that God will provide for all of our needs and make sure we are taken care of. This lesson contains many examples of how the Lord cares for His people and should bring comfort and peace to those who read and understand.

Scripture Reading: Psalm 37:1-11.

Memory Verse: Proverbs 24:19.

Discuss what God has promised in each of the following circumstances:

1. When we are worried about persecutions. Matthew 10:16-22, Matthew 10:28-31, Acts 18:9-10.
2. When we are afraid to defend the Gospel of Christ. Isaiah 58:1, Jeremiah 1:17-19, Jeremiah 26:2, Jeremiah 26:8, Jeremiah 26:12-16, Acts 4:29-31, Acts 5:19-20, Acts 5:26-29.
3. When we put material things ahead of God’s call to service. Matthew 10:6-10, Matthew 6:25-34, I Timothy 6:10.
4. When we see so few people truly seeking to know the will of God. Luke 12:32, Isaiah 37:4, Isaiah 37:31, Isaiah 1:9, Romans 11:5.
5. When sickness arises. Isaiah 53:5, Psalm 53:5, Psalm 103:3, Acts 5:16, Matthew 8:16, James 5:14-16.
6. When we are distressed about material provisions. Isaiah 1:19, Isaiah 33:15-16, Psalm 37:25, I Kings 17:4-6, I Kings 17:14-16, Luke 12:22.
7. When we are worried about loved ones forsaking us. Luke 12:53, Matthew 10:36-37, II Corinthians 4:8-9, Psalm 27:10.
8. When we doubt our own salvation. Jeremiah 29:12-13, Philippians 2:13-15, Philippians 3:9-16, Colossians 1:11-15, Colossians 1:21-23, Colossians 1:27, I Thessalonians 5:24.
9. What promises of God comfort us in death? I Corinthians 15:22, Hebrews 9:27, II Timothy 4:7-8, Revelation 14:13, Psalm 116:15.
Note: Worry is doubt and doubt is sin. I Peter 5:7 instructs us to cast all our cares upon God for He cares for you. When we meet the conditions and claim God’s promises, we have nothing to fear.