Riches as a Gift from God

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Preview: Riches are a temptation and a snare for many. We must be careful that when we are gifted with many worldly things that we are grateful to the Lord and willing to give it all up at His will. Our attachment to worldly things cannot exceed our faith in the Lord to provide for us completely.

Scripture Reading: I Kings 3:5-14.

Memory Verse: Proverbs 10:22.

1. Who gave Solomon his riches according to the Scriptures? I Kings 3:11-13, II Chronicles 1:11-12.
2. What caused Solomon to sin? I Kings 11:1-11.
3. What was Solomon like before he became rich? I Kings 3:1-3.
Note: It was not Solomon’s wealth or his desire for riches that broke his relationship with God, it was his strong desire for wicked women and their strange gods. This condition existed before God gave him wisdom and wealth beyond measure.
4. What was King David like? Was he rich? I Chronicles 29:26-28.
5. What was his attitude toward his wealth and fame? I Chronicles 29:10-19.
6. Where did Job’s wealth come from? Job 1:1-3, Job 42:12-13.
7. Why did God give him such prosperity? Job 42:1-6, Job 42:10.
Note: Job humbled himself, repented of his own mistakes and prayed for his friends who had judged him. God knew then that He could trust him with great riches.
8. What is promised to the righteous that will obey and serve Him? Job 36:7-11.
9. What happens to those who refuse to obey? Job 36:12-14.
10. What was Zacchaeus willing to do with his money when he met Jesus? Luke 19:1-9.
Note: Being rich is not the sin. God permits man to prosper, but prosperity does not make one righteous or even blessed. Money becomes a blessing only when it brings us closer to God.