The Power of Ministers and Elders

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Preview: Special power has been given to God’s children to use in His ministry.

Scripture Reading: Matthew 10:1-8.

Memory Verse: Luke 9:2.

1. What power did Christ give His disciples? Matthew 10:1.
2. What was the message they were to preach? Matthew 10:7.
3. What message did they have for the sick, and how would their power affect devils? Matthew 10:8.
Note: If the Kingdom message is for today, surely divine healing and casting out devils is for those that have been endued with the power of God.
4. What was the sign Christ gave to His believers? Mark 16:16-18.
5. How was Peter’s mother-in-law healed by Jesus? Matthew 8:14-15.
6. By what did Jesus cast out devils and evil spirits? Matthew 8:16.
7. What was this demonstration of Jesus according to the prophets? Matthew 8:17.
8. What did Jesus remove from the insane man? Luke 8:35.
Note: This proves many are sick, afflicted by demons which medical and surgical doctors cannot remove. Those evil spirits lodge in various parts of the body. The doctors may remove the afflicted part, but the demon still remains.
9. How was the child with the deaf ear healed? Mark 9:24-25.
10. How did it affect the child? Mark 9:26-27.
11. Why was it a marvel to the disciples? Mark 9:28-29.
12. How many of the sick did Christ heal? Matthew 11:5-6.
Note: Jesus has given power to the disciples over devils and demons. Christ is the same today. It is for His believers to accept the same. When the evil spirits are removed the sick are made well. Jesus did not sever or remove the afflicted part. This is a marvel to the unlearned.
13. What sign will follow those that believe? Mark 16:17.
14. Who gave Paul the power to work special miracles? Acts 19:11.
15. How did Paul help the sick that he could not visit, and how did it affect diseases and evil spirits? Acts 19:12.
16. Who tried to imitate Paul’s ministry? Acts 19:13.
17. How did the evil spirit affect the pretender? Acts 19:14-15.
18. Who prevailed in the fight between the evil spirits and the vagabonds? Acts 19:16.
19. Was this noised abroad and how did it affect the Jews and Greeks? Acts 19:17.
Note: Those that don’t know Christ and don’t have the power of Christ are in danger when rebuking the evil spirits as they may overcome the pretender. Every minister of Christ should understand how to remove evil spirits in the name of Christ Jesus, without sufficient faith and power in Christ the evil spirits will overcome the pastor.
20. In what condition were the people that saw the miracles at the preaching of Philip? Acts 8:5-8.
21. Why did God give His leaders power to discern spirits? Acts 8:1-7.
22. What happened when the disciples tried to cast out the demon? Mark 9:16-18.
23. Why did they fail? Mark 9:19.
Note: If we fail to see miracles performed in the Church today let us put the blame where it belongs: on ourselves. God is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
24. How much power does the Church have in Heaven and earth? Matthew 16:18-19.
25. How much power does the Church have over our enemy the Devil? Luke 10:17-19.
26. What should we rejoice in? Luke 10:20.