Christians Marrying Sinners

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Preview: While this may be a touchy subject, it must still be addressed. The fact is that life is much easier when Christians marry fellow believers. The regard and love that we hold for our spouse, and our natural desire to please them can lead us to the good or pull us to the evil.

Scripture Reading: II Corinthians 6:14-18.

Memory Verse: Ephesians 5:31.

1. What sort of marriages occurred before the flood after man had fallen? Genesis 6:1-2.
2. How did it affect Almighty God? Genesis 6:5-6.
Note: The sons of God married the daughters that came from the lineage of Cain, who was a murderer, thus it corrupted the Church of God. The whole race was soon corrupted and the flood came.
3. Did Paul, the apostle, give any instruction since Christ was here on earth about marrying unbelievers? I Corinthians 6:15-16.
4. Did God endorse His chosen people’s marrying unbelievers or did He prohibit it? Deuteronomy 7:2-3.
5. Does it affect or change the believing one? Deuteronomy 7:4.
Note: Intermarrying with the ungodly was never endorsed by God, and has been a great downfall to the people of God.
6. Did God give instructions concerning marriages in the house of God? Numbers 36:8.
7. Did Solomon make a mistake concerning marriages? I Kings 11:1-4.
Note: Every Christian that marries an unbeliever takes a serious risk and places himself on the enemies’ ground. The greatest responsibility lies upon the parents and guardians of the child, to guard their boys and girls against marrying unbelievers, or even selecting them as associates. The parents should be guided by the Word. It is time for the parents to awaken and turn their hearts to their children.
8. Are separations and divorces endorsed? I Corinthians 7:10-14.
9. Does the Lord make provision for those that are opposed to their mate’s living their convictions according to the Word? I Corinthians 7:15-16.
10. Did Abraham give any instructions to his servant when sending him to select a wife for his son? Genesis 24:2-4.
Note: In Bible times, the parents had much to do in helping their children to select companions. Young people that are wise will ask their parents and seek to know of them the best thing to do, and will seek the guidance of the Lord by the Word. Religious division and strife can never make a happy home. Ministers and parents should warn the unmarried of these things.
11. Is there a certain length of time that the marriage tie binds anyone? Romans 7:2-3.
12. Do the Commandments of God guard the marriage tie? Exodus 20:14-17.
13. What is our body a dwelling place for? Can we do as we please? I Corinthians 6:19-20.