Confessing Faults and Forgiving One Another

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Preview: Our salvation depends on our ability to own up to our own mistakes and love our fellowmen as we do ourselves. In order to find forgiveness for others we must first be clean ourselves.

Scripture Reading: Mark 11:22-33.

Memory Verse: James 5:16.

1. Discuss confession and forgiveness as described in the foregoing Scriptures.
2. What was the first sin recorded in the Bible? Genesis 3:1-6.
3. What was their reaction to God? Genesis 3:7-8.
Note: Sin separates us from God.
4. What did they do when their actions were found out by God? Genesis 3:9-13.
Note: Adam blamed Eve, she blamed the serpent, and the serpent had no leg to stand on.
5. What were the results of their lack of repentance? Genesis 3:14-19, Genesis 3:23-24.
Note: There is no forgiveness without confession and repentance. We cannot justify ourselves by blaming others.
6. What has God promised to do when we confess our sins? I John 1:9.
7. How has it been made possible for sins to be forgiven? I John 2:1-2.
8. How was this accomplished? II Corinthians 5:14-15, II Corinthians 5:17-21, I Peter 2:24, Isaiah 53:4-6.
Note: How can we refuse salvation knowing that we have been bought by the precious blood of Jesus?
9. To whom should sins be confessed and why? Psalm 51:1-4.
10. What instruction is given concerning confession of faults? James 5:16.
Note: The Bible makes a distinction between a sin and a fault. We sin against God; for sin is the transgression of His Law. I John 3:4.
11. What is the natural thing for us to do when we do wrong? Genesis 3:12, Genesis 4:9.
Note: We excuse it, seek to hide it, or blame someone else for it.
12. What was David’s great sin? II Samuel 12:7-12.
13. What did David say after his great sin had been pointed out to him? Psalm 51:3.
14. What was God’s Word to David by Nathan, the prophet, when he, in contrition of heart, confessed his sin? II Samuel 12:13-14.
Note: Although God does forgive confessed sins, we still will reap what we have sown.
15. Is it ever right to tell a brother his faults? Matthew 18:15-17.
16. In what spirit should this kind of work be done? Galatians 6:1-3, Ephesians 4:32, Colossians 3:13-17.
17. What does Christ tell us to do when we pray? Why? Mark 11:25-26, Matthew 6:12-15.
18. What words of Joseph to his brethren show that he forgave them for selling him into Egypt? Genesis 45:5-8.
19. What was Christ’s reply to Peter’s question as to the number of times we should forgive one another? Matthew 18:21-22.
20. What spirit did Jesus manifest toward those that nailed him to the cross? Luke 23:13-14, Luke 23:16, Luke 23:18, Luke 23:33-34.
21. How did Stephen manifest the same spirit toward those who stoned him? Acts 6:8-15, Acts 7:57-60, I Peter 4:8.
Note: Here were two men who were guilty of nothing but love, even for their enemies, and, as they were being persecuted even to death, they were able to pray for forgiveness for those who killed them. CAN WE DO LESS AND HAVE ETERNAL LIFE?