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Preview: Our faith in the Lord is where we can ultimately find peace in our everyday lives. This faith includes the belief that the Lord will look after us and supply all of our needs, and that He knows exactly what those needs are and will be.

Scripture Reading: Philippians 4:4-13.

Memory Verse: Philippians 4:6.

1. What value is contentment? I Timothy 6:6.
2. What assurance do we have that we need not worry? Luke 12:29-31.
3. What did we bring into this world? I Timothy 6:7.
4. How should our conversation be? Hebrews 13:5 (first part).
5. What assurance do we have to trust Him? Hebrews 13:5 (last part).
6. What does God command us to be content with? I Timothy 6:8.
7. Will God supply our needs? Philippians 4:19.
Note: God does not intend for His people to grumble, worry, and fret about the things they don’t have. The Lord knows at all times what we need and what we can stand, and He supplies our needs. The world seeks its own and secures the things that the flesh desires, whether right or wrong. Covetousness and discontent bring ungratefulness and unholiness.
8. What happens to those that seek riches? I Timothy 6:9.
9. What will the love of money do? I Timothy 6:10.
10. Were the children of Israel contented? Numbers 11:4.
11. What did they crave besides flesh? Numbers 11:5.
Note: God was feeding the children of Israel bread from Heaven, and yet they were not satisfied. It seems that they wanted a diet which included fish and vegetables. These things within themselves were not wrong, but the desire to return to Egyptian bondage and forsake the leading of the Lord was. So if we, in like manner, do sinful things in order to get what we want in this life we fall after the same example of unbelief.
12. By what illustration did Christ teach contentment? Luke 12:24-27.
13. Do we have sufficient faith if we worry? Luke 12:28.
14. What should be our consolation when things do not go as we think they should? Romans 8:28.
15. What did Paul learn about contentment? Philippians 4:11.
16. On whom are we to put our cares? I Peter 5:7.