Good Stewardship

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Preview: A review of our responsibilities as the servants of God.

Scripture Reading: Luke 12:42-48.

Memory Verse: I Timothy 6:17.

1. Will a good steward always be looking to Jesus for guidance in material as well as spiritual things according to the foregoing Scriptures?
2. What does God require us to do with wealth if He permits us to attain it? Isaiah 58:6-8, Isaiah 58:11 & I Timothy 6:17-19.
Note: When God blesses us with material things He expects us to use it to help others to glorify His name, laying a foundation for heavenly riches (eternal life) for both the giver and the receiver. Our giving should be done in the name of the Lord.
3. Does God require us to give according to the amount that we have received? Luke 12:47-48.
Note: This applies to knowledge as well as money or monetary gain.
4. What instruction is given to the whole flock of God regardless of whether we are rich or poor? Luke 12:32-36.
5. Can God trust us with spiritual things if we are unfaithful in material matters? Luke 16:10-13.
Note: We must be just as faithful and dependable about business matters as we are spiritual matters. There is only one Lord and Master and He is Lord over all of our lives or He is not Lord at all.
6. What kind of example of stewardship must the leaders and ministers set? I Corinthians 4:1-2 & Titus 1:7-9.
7. What is Peter’s message on stewardship for the whole Church? I Peter 4:7-11.
Note: The end of this life is coming for all of us. Only those who have been faithful stewards in all matters will be heirs of the Kingdom.
8. What will a good steward’s attitude be in the workplace? I Timothy 6:1-5.
9. What kind of contentment comes with good stewardship? I Timothy 6:6-14.
10. Will a faithful steward rob God or misuse His money? Malachi 3:8-10.
Note: God does not leave it up to us to decide for ourselves just how we will serve Him. He instructs us in His Word how and why we are to be good stewards. If we disobey, we will not inherit the Kingdom.