Intercessory Prayer

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Preview: “Intercessory prayer” is a prayer to God on behalf of somebody or something outside of ourselves.

Scripture Reading: Luke 15:1-24.

Memory Verse: Matthew 18:14.

1. How diligently should we intercede for lost souls according to the foregoing Scriptures?
Note: Our personal cares are to be committed to God. The only burden that a Christian should have on his heart and mind is a burden for lost souls.
2. How precious is each individual soul to God? Matthew 18:12-14.
3. Should we pray for those who are religious but lost? Romans 10:1-3.
4. How did Abraham intercede for Sodom? Genesis 18:20-33.
Note: Because Abraham was faithful, God wanted to honor his petition, but He could not justify sparing Sodom because of their wickedness. He did, however, attempt to spare Lot and his family because of Abraham. It pays to pray!
5. How did Moses seek God’s mercy for Israel? Exodus 32:30-34.
6. How did Job pray for his children? Job 1:5.
7. Did God promise to spare sinners when the righteous intercede for them? Job 42:7-10.
Note: Before we pray for others we need to make sure that our own position is right with God.
8. How did Job say we should plead with God for others? Job 16:21.
Note: God should be as close and real to us as a neighbor; perhaps even more so.
9. How did the enemies of Jesus treat Him? Matthew 27:27-44.
10. How did He intercede with the Father for them? Luke 23:34.
Note: Jesus prayed for forgiveness for His enemies which included His neighbors, the religious leaders, government officials, and perhaps family members. When Christ is in us we can do no less. Luke 6:28 states- “Bless them that curse you, and pray for them which despitefully use you.”