The Price of Mistakes

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Preview: It is a grave error to think that our actions or inactions will not have consequences with the Lord. We are responsible to uphold His Will as He has plainly laid it out for us. The Lord expects and deserves perfect obedience from His children.

Scripture Reading: II Samuel 12:1-14.

Memory Verse: Galatians 6:7.

1. Will some of our mistakes bear fruit in later years? Galatians 6:7 & Exodus 20:4-5.
2. What was the first mistake for which we all must pay? Genesis 3:1-6 & I Corinthians 15:22.
3. Can carelessness and indifference in serious decisions cause trouble and regret later? Hebrews 12:16-17.
4. Do you think Esau realized what could be the consequence of his decision influenced by hunger? Genesis 25:29-34.
5. What price did David pay because of his sin? II Samuel 12:9-14.
6. Will immorality cause lasting damage to our lives and reputations? Proverbs 6:27-33.
7. Will a poor reputation hinder us in the work of the Lord? I Timothy 3:7.
8. Will we be held responsible if we fail to discipline our children? I Samuel 2:22-29 & I Samuel 3:11-14.
9. What kind of a man was King Manasseh? II Chronicles 33:1-10.
10. What did he endeavor to do when he was converted? II Chronicles 33:11-17. Do you think that his later influence for good was very effective after his many years as a leader in wickedness?