The Sabbath

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Preview: A discussion of the Sabbath Day that the Lord set as the fourth Commandment.

Scripture Reading: Isaiah 56:1-8.

Memory Verse: Mark 2:27.

1. How did Jesus defend His disciples when they were accused of breaking the Sabbath? Mark 2:23-28.
2. When was the Sabbath made? Who made it? Genesis 2:2.
3. Who was the first to observe the Sabbath? Hebrews 4:4.
4. Was the Sabbath observed before the giving of the law on Mt. Sinai? Discuss. Exodus 16:23-30.
5. Did Abraham keep the laws and Commandments of God? Why? Genesis 26:5.
6. Was going to Church on the first day of the week Christ’s custom? Or did He keep the Sabbath? Luke 4:16.
7. How are we admonished to follow the example of Christ? I John 2:6.
8. What was Paul’s custom to do on the Sabbath? Acts 17:2.
9. What did the Gentile's do on the Sabbath day? Acts 13:42, Acts 13:44.
10. What other place did Paul attend service on the Sabbath? Acts 16:13.
Note: Sunday observance in place of Sabbath keeping is not of God, but an invention of the Roman Catholic Church. It is a sign of her power over Christendom, and her protestant daughters have pledged their allegiance to this false church system. Thousands are working on the Sabbath and resting upon the first day of the week according to the commandment of man. God’s Commandment still says: “Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days shalt though labor, and do all thy work: But the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work…” Exodus 20:8-10.
11. What did Paul preach to the people on Sunday when he went to Corinth? Acts 18:4.
12. How did Nehemiah describe the sin of breaking the Sabbath? Nehemiah 13:15-19.
13. What blessing will come to those who keep the Sabbath and all the Commandments of God? Isaiah 58:13-14.