Your Tongue

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Preview: Our tongue is important for spreading the Word of God. We need to control all that we say and when we choose to speak we must do so wisely.

Scripture Reading: James 3:1-18.

Memory Verse: I Peter 3:10.

1. What contrast is made between the tongue of the wise and that of a fool? Proverbs 15:1-2.
Note: Notice the words used to describe the tongue of the fool. Stir- the Hebrew meaning is AW-LAW which means to raise up, shoot forth up, spring up, fetch up. Poureth- Hebrew NAW BAH, to gush forth, to emit a foul odor, belch out, pour out, utter abundantly.
2. How did Solomon and James admonish us to restrain our words? Proverbs 17:27 & James 1:19.
3. How did the Apostle Paul teach us to tame the tongue? Colossians 4:6 & Colossians 3:1-17.
4. Should we assume what a person is going to say and give an answer before we hear the matter? Proverbs 18:13.
Note: Folly- Silliness, want of understanding. Shame- Be confounded, put to confusion, reproached.
5. What does the heart of the righteous do? Proverbs 15:28.