Brotherly Kindness

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Preview: The lack of brotherly kindness is a major reason for trouble in the Churches. If it were applied, all wrangling for position and honor would cease. The person best qualified for the job would be placed there, and all the others could cooperate. Then the Church would function as the Body of Christ. See I Corinthians 12:18.

Scripture Reading: I Samuel 19:1-7.

Memory Verse: Hebrews 13:1.

1. What is one of the first things God directs us to do when we become acquainted with Him? I Thessalonians 4:9-10.
2. What should be put away from God’s people? Ephesians 4:31.
3. What should take possession of our hearts? Ephesians 4:32.
Note: Webster defines brotherly love as: Of or relating to brothers; natural or becoming to brothers. Kindness: The quality or state of being kind. When this condition prevails in the Church we find barriers broken down and unity coming in. May God help us to realize the importance of putting on all of these qualities.
4. What is stated concerning the people of Melita? Acts 28:1-2.
5. What followed as the result of their kindness? Acts 28:7-9.
Note: Had the natives of that island been hostile to the shipwrecked victims there is little doubt they would have missed the blessing they received. Likewise we have the responsibility to show kindness to the shipwrecked victims along life’s way with whom we come in contact.
6. What were some of the qualities Paul told the Colossians to acquire? Colossians 3:12.
7. What should be our attitude toward all men? Titus 3:2.
8. Why should we be merciful? Titus 3:3.
9. What took the place of wrong deeds and attitudes? Titus 3:4.
10. How did that occur? Titus 3:5.
11. Is kindness a godly characteristic? Luke 6:35-36.
Note: Kindness is an attitude combined with a practice. To lend is a practice, to hope for nothing is an attitude. If brotherly kindness prevailed in the religious world, it would be a major factor in bringing the unity Jesus prayed for.