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Preview: When we think of one being godly we automatically visualize one whose conduct is the opposite of worldliness. The things we put first in life indicate where our heart is. If we devoutly conform to the will of God it is because we are godly, if not, it is because we are otherwise, or worldly.

Scripture Reading: Psalm 1:1-6.

Memory Verse: Psalm 32:6.

1. What should we refuse? What should we seek? I Timothy 4:7.
2. Why should we be godly? I Timothy 4:8.
Note: Webster defines godliness as the quality or state of being godly. Godly: Devoutly conforming to the will of God.
3. Why should we pray for those in authority? I Timothy 2:2.
4. With what should godly women be adorned? I Timothy 2:9-10.
Note: Women again must dress in becoming manner, modestly and soberly, not with elaborate hair styles, not decked out with gold or pearls, or expensive clothes, but with good deeds, as befits women who claim to be religious. I Timothy 2:9-10.
5. Is there a godly way to be sorry? II Corinthians 7:8-9.
6. What will godly sorrow do? II Corinthians 7:10 (first part).
7. What will worldly sorrow do? II Corinthians 7:10 (last part).
8. What does grace teach us? Titus 2:12.
9. How should we serve God? Hebrews 12:28.
10. Why should we serve God in this manner? Hebrews 12:29.
Note: Godliness will cause us to seek to know the will of God because when we love Him we want to obey Him. There is no other way to know His will but through His Commandments, and His Commandments are not grievous.
11. Is godliness a mystery? I Timothy 3:16.