Is Baptism a Divine Command?

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Preview: The truth about baptism.

Scripture Reading: Acts 8:26-39.

Memory Verse: Matthew 28:19.

1. Was Philip obeying God’s Divine command when he baptized the Ethiopian eunuch in the foregoing Scriptures?
2. Should a sincere belief that Jesus is truly the Son of God be followed by baptism? Mark 16:9-17.
Note: Baptism is commanded, but only for those who are spiritually connected to God through sincere faith.
3. Why was it necessary for Jesus to be baptized and receive the Holy Spirit when He was already begotten by the Spirit of God? Mark 1:9 & Matthew 3:13-17.
4. Were confession and repentance part of John’s baptism ministry? Mark 1:1-5.
5. Does baptism depict the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ? Romans 6:1-5.
6. Does our old human nature die when we are born of the Spirit? Romans 6:6-8 & Romans 6:11-14.
Note: When we are crucified with Christ we die to self and become alive to God. Baptism depicts our resurrection to a new life in Christ.
7. How did Paul explain this connection with Christ through baptism? Galatians 3:26-27.
8. Is baptism commanded for both Jew and Gentile? Galatians 3:28-29, Acts 10:24-29, Acts 10:34-39 & Acts 10:42-48.
Note: God has only one way to His Kingdom and that is faith in Jesus Christ. He commanded all to be born again of the Spirit, forsake sin, and be baptized.
9. Was the flood of Noah’s day a depiction of water baptism? I Peter 3:17-21.
10. Can water baptism cleanse us from sin and present us righteous before God? I Peter 1:18-23, I John 1:7 & Hebrews 9:12-14.
Note: Only the precious Blood of Jesus Christ can cleanse and deliver us from sin. Baptism is the Divine command that declares to the Body of Christ that our old nature is dead and buried, and we, as God’s new creation, are ready to walk in newness of life.
11. Is this declaration only the beginning of our spiritual journey with Christ? Hebrews 6:1-3 & I Peter 2:1-3.
Note: Repentance and baptism is only the beginning of our new life in Christ. We must continue to grow in Him through faith, knowledge, and obedience to the Lord.