Answers to Prayer

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Preview: Prayer is something deeply personal and precious to the Lord. He will hear all the prayers of His children, and while the answer isn’t always what we would wish, it always serves the purpose of the Lord. God’s expectations on prayer are covered in this lesson.

Scripture Reading: I Kings 18:21-46.

Memory Verse: I John 5:14.

1. How does God regard the needs of His people? Luke 18:7-8.
2. What are God's limitations, if any, for helping His people? Ephesians 3:20-21.
3. How many of our needs has God promised to supply? Philippians 4:19.
4. Do we always know what we should pray for? Who helps us? Romans 8:26.
5. Why does God not always give us the things for which we ask? II Corinthians 12:7-10.
Note: Many times we fail to get the things we desire. Sometimes God answers with “no” when we ask for things that are not sinful. Our Heavenly Father refuses to give us those things that will not glorify Him, be against our spiritual welfare, keep us from being humble, etc. We should always want our requests to be governed by the will of God, for He knows what is best for us.
6. What should we do if we fail to get an immediate answer to our prayers? Psalm 37:7-9.
7. What was Jesus’ advice before telling the parable of the importunate widow? Luke 18:1.
8. How did Elijah (Elias) pray before obtaining his request? James 5:17-18.
9. Upon what condition will we receive an answer when we pray? Mark 11:24.
10. What is necessary of us for God to answer our prayers? James 1:6-7.
11. What prayer may we expect God to hear? I John 5:14-15.
Note: God’s will is expressed in His Word, laws, and statutes. We should ask God for things that comply with His Word, and we should include in such prayers: Not my will, but thine be done.
12. In what way did God answer the prayer of Daniel and his fellows when they asked Him to reveal unto them the King’s dream? Daniel 2:19.
13. What did the Church do when Peter was about to be executed? Acts 12:5.
14. What became of their prayers? How? Acts 12:7-10.
15. What did God give Solomon because he asked for wisdom rather than riches or a long life? I Kings 3:11-13.
Note: We should pray for our daily bread, for the Holy Spirit, for deliverance in the hour of temptation, for wisdom and understanding, for the prosperity of those who carry the Gospel, for these who suffer for the sake of the truth, for our enemies, for all saints, for the coming of Christ, and for temporal prosperity as it pleases God.