Benefits of Sacrificial Living

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Preview: We must be prepared to give all that the Lord asks of us, regardless of the personal cost to us.

Scripture Reading: Isaiah 53:1-12.

Memory Verse: Psalm 50:5.

1. What do the following Scriptures teach us about sacrifice? Psalm 107:21-22, Psalm 116:17-18, Hebrews 13:15-16.
Note: Have you ever considered praise and giving thanks as being a sacrifice?
2. What must we sacrifice first? I Peter 2:1-5.
3. How is this accomplished? Romans 12:1-3.
Note: When we become a living sacrifice through the transformation of our minds (letting the mind of Christ be in us), we become a living part of the Body of Christ (the Church).
4. How can we tell that this has really taken place in us? Galatians 6:1-2, Galatians 6:6-10, I John 3:14, I John 3:22, I John 3:24.
5. What are some examples of sacrifice? Daniel 6:6-11
6. What blessings did he derive from his sacrificial obedience to God? Daniel 6:16-23.
7. How did his example of faith affect the king and all the people? Daniel 6:24-28.
Note: Daniel was truly a living sacrifice. He showed forth God’s glory and power to all the nations of the earth.
8. What example of sacrifice do we see in the act of the Good Samaritan? Luke 10:30-37.
9. What results when we fail to sacrifice enough time to prayer and fasting? Matthew 17:14-21.
Note: Many times we are troubled about things that we cannot accept or change. If we would only fast and pray earnestly enough, God has promised to change the situation or give us grace to bear it.
10. What happens when we are unwilling to make a sacrifice that God has required of us? Matthew 19:16-22.
Note: God has promised, “If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land.” Isaiah 1:19.