Did the Flood Overtake Noah as a Thief?

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Preview: The story of Noah is explored in this lesson. 

Scripture Reading: Genesis 6:5-12. 

Memory Verse: Luke 17:26. 

1. What was the spirit of men in the days of Noah? Genesis 6:5. 
2. How did it affect the Lord? Genesis 6:6-7. 
3. In whom did God find favor? Genesis 6:8. 
4. What mission did He give Noah? Genesis 6:14-16. 
5. How was the Lord going to destroy the world? Genesis 6:17. 
6. How did Noah know at what time the flood might come? Who told him? Genesis 6:3. 
7. How many days before the flood did Noah know? Genesis 7:4. 
8. At what time of the year and month did the flood come? Genesis 7:11. 
9. How long did it rain upon the earth? Genesis 7:12. 
Note: Every man should be able to see that the flood did not come upon Noah as a thief; although it did come upon the world, the sinners, as a surprise, and as a thief. The door was closed seven days before the thunderstorm came. 
10. Who shut the door of the ark? Genesis 7:16. 
Note: Who says that Noah was taken as a thief? Surely the Lord will reveal to His prophets, and servants, the secret things. Amos 3:7.
11. How did Jesus say His coming would be the second time? Luke 17:26-27. 
12. Did the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah overtake Lot as a thief? Who warned him? Genesis 19:12-13. 
13. What did the angel command Lot to do the next morning? Genesis 19:15-16. 
Note: The Lord was merciful to Lot; and the Lord will be merciful to His people when He comes again. We will be His messengers. We will tell people about it and prepare them for His coming. We will not say that Jesus is coming as a thief to His Church. 
14. What did Christ say His coming would be like the days of Lot? Luke 17:28-29. 
15. Just how will Christ’s coming be? Luke 17:30. 
16. Will the brethren be taken as a thief? How are we to know? I Thessalonians 5:4-6. 
17. How great will be the persecution of God’s people before Christ comes? Revelation 13:13-15. 
18. Will the beastly power affect religious and civil affairs? Who will it affect? Revelation 13:16-17. 
Note: When God’s people are denied the privilege of buying and selling, the God of Heaven will feed them as He did Elijah, and as He fed the children of Israel in the wilderness with Heavenly manna. He will feed His people again. Have faith in God, believe in Him, and He will carry you through. A great work is to be done, and God expects you to help to do it. Will you give your service for Him? He has purchased you with His blood. God made you, and it is sure that you are not self-made. Hasten the coming of the Lord.  
19. Why should we hasten the day of the Lord? II Peter 3:11-12.